Pavlimbeis Furniture - Burano Table

Burano Table

Image for Burano Table
Image for Burano Table
Image for Burano Table
Image for Burano Table
Thumbnail for Burano Table
Thumbnail for Burano Table
Thumbnail for Burano Table
Thumbnail for Burano Table

Burano Table


Categories: Dining


This is a full glass dinning table which can be suitable in any home style. It does not involve any other color or material details, hence there is not a chance, not to match your home furniture and interior design. It is in modern line and if you pair it with dazzling chairs, then the result will be amazing. It can be used both as your daily dinning table or it can be suitable for your special occasions depending on how you will combine it.


Height (cm) : 90

Width (cm) : 180

Depth (cm) : 78